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Vinay Aditya

Vinay Aditya

Vinay Aditya has a degree in Civil engineering from IIT/Kanpur. Most of his professional life he was engaged in printing and publishing, catering to the design & print requirements of the NGOs.
He has authored two books on ashtakavarga, Dots of Destiny and Practical Ashtakavarga. Both the books have been translated and published in Russian also. Dots of Destiny has its Hindi version too that goes by the name Bhagya Bindu.
He has been teaching Vedic Astrology in India with ICAS for about a quarter century. He has also taught at ACVA (America), BAVA (England), and EVVA (Europe), the well-known organisations devoted to Vedic Astrology. He has been a visiting faculty at EVVA, and at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Pennsylvania, USA, for nearly two decades.

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Topics of Presentation by Vinay Aditya in Jyotish Kumbh Mela 2023

Topics Presented by Vinay Aditya in Jyotish Kumbh Mela 2022

  • Hitting upon Profession Astrologically Part I & IIWhich profession one will follow is not limited to 10 th house and its lord. There are many other dimensions that need study, e.g., Nakshatras, Navamsha, Rashi Tulya Navamsha, Dashamamsha, Karakas and their pre-eminent role and much more.
  • How to analyze a chart Significant Markers Part I & IIDifferent teachers would teach this subject in their own way. One can believe that each
    one would have some merits. In this class we will explore the perspectives which are popularly taught and many others that are left out, but they are significant markers.

Topics Presented by Vinay Aditya in Jyotish Kumbh Mela 2021

Topics Presented by Vinay Aditya in Jyotish Kumbh Mela 2020

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