SDJ Ayurvedalaya as a Director & Chief Medical Officer
Dr Parthasarathy
SDJ Ayurvedalaya as a Director & Chief Medical Officer
Dr. R . Parthasarathy is a practicing Ayurveda Vaidya , Director & Chief Medical Officer, Swami Dayananda Jayavarthanevelu Ayurvedalaya( SDJ Ayurvedalaya) , Anaikatti , Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu .
Dr. Parthasarathy completed his 6 year Ayurveda Training from the reputed Ayurveda College of Arya Vaidya Pharmacy ( AVP) affiliated to Dr MGR Medical university . He later completed a Post Graduation Certification in “Good Clinical Practices “ from FRLHT-IAIM,Bangalore with top ranks . .. Read More
Completed her 6 year Ayurveda Training from the Most reputed Ayurveda College of AVP affiliated to Dr MGR Medical university and then completed a short term Post Graduation Certificate course in Good Clinical Practices course. Read More
Course Syllabus
(30hrs+ on-demand video & 36 hours+ of LIVE Interaction Session)
1st Month
Week 1 – The overview of the Course – The Philosophy of the Vedic Astrology- Understanding Karma, the Transmigration of the Soul, the four aims of life and the spiritual basis on which all Vedic principles are formed, Gunas, Prakriti. Vedas, Upanishads. The Sidereal Zodiac, The North Indian and the South Indian Charts. The Ayanamsa, Whole signs, Bhavas, House cusps, etc. The Five Great Elements, Panchang, the Overview of Vedic Astrology.
Week 2 – The NavaGrahas — The Nine Planets Surya, Chandra, Mangala, Mithun, Guru, Shukra and Shani – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Rahu Ketu, the Shadow Planets
Week 3 – The nine planets continued.
Week 4 – Saturn and Rahu Ketu – Shadow planets, How past karma controls our present and more.
2nd Month
Week 5 – Planetary relationships, exaltation and debilitation, planetary strengths and aspects, karakas.
Week 6 – The Rashis (Zodiac signs) Mesha (Aries) to Mina (Pisces), Kalapurusha.
Week 7 – The Rashis (Zodiac signs) Mesha (Aries) to Mina (Pisces), Kalapurusha Continued.
Week 8 – Rashis, the Zodiac signs continued.
3rd month
Week 9 – Characteristics of Rashis, their rulers and how they influence planets. Prakriti, Rashi aspects and much more.
Week 10 – The Bhava Chakra – the twelve houses of the Zodiac. The karakas (significators), the meanings, the rulers of each house. How the placement of house rulers affect the chart. 1st to 12th houses. Lagna Bhava Chakra.
Week 11 – The Bhava Chakra continues
Week 12 – The Bhava Chakra continues
4th Month
Week 13 – Bhava qualities
Week 14 – Lagna, the ascendant Sudharshan chakra and different view-points from Sun and Moon Lagna. The positive and the negative planets for each Lagna.
Week 15 – Lagna is continued. The importance of Lagna Lord.
Week 16 – Introduction to Nakshatras, the stars beyond the zodiac, the role of symbols, deities, gunas and lunar mandala.
5th Month
Week 17 – Nakshatra characteristics.
Week 18 – Strengths and weaknesses from Nakshatra.
Week 19 – Ashwini to Rohini.
Week 20 – Mrigasira to Ashlesha.
6th Month
Week 21 – Magha to Swati.
Week 22 – Vishkaha to Uttara Ashadha.
Week 23 – Shravana to Revati.
Week 24 – Planetary Yogas – Panchamahapurusha, Raja yogas, Pravrajya, Sun and Moon yogas, Gajakesari, Kemadruma – many yogas will be taught.
7th Month
Week 25 – Yogas – Panchamahapurusha, Sun and Moon.
Week 26 – Yogas – Raja Yoga, Neechabhanga, Cancellation of Debilitation Yoga and more.
Week 27 – Vimshottari Dasha system – the unique predictive system of Vedic astrology based on the Nakshatras. The predictive techniques that will make the knowledge of Jyotish come alive.
Week 28 – The Various Dashas.
8th Month
Week 29 – How to analyse Dasha and Bhuktis.
Week 30 – Gochara, the transits to include Jupiter good transits and Saturn\’s Challenging one including sade sati, daily, monthly, yearly movement of the planets and how they affect and change the quality of the chart.
Week 31 – Panchanga, the 5 limbs of the day. Dina, Nakshatra, Tithi, Karana, Yoga.
Week 32 – Introduction to Vargas, the 16 harmonic charts with special emphasis on the Navamsha- the 9th harmonic dealing with relationships and dharma. Vimshopaka, Visheshika amsha.
9th Month
Week 33 – Rules for Varga, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsha.
Week 34 – Navamsha, Dasamsha and Shastiamsha.
Week 35 – Upaye – remedial measures, the different ways to improve the birth chart.
Week 36 – Putting it all together – chart analysis
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All 5 Course (7 Sessions)
Early Bird Fee Till 3 January 2023
Do you know how to bring your ayurveda learning concepts in your cooking?
Do you know ayurveda guidelines to apply in the day to day kitchen?
Learn what authentic ayurveda cooking is?
Learn the concepts of cooking from shastra (Charak Samhita).
Get Ayurvedic cooking tips and tricks in the kitchen
Get practical ayurvedic recipes to apply in your daily cooking
Learn what to suggest specific actions to benefit your clients.
During the webinar we will cover Concept of Cooking and Recipes from Authentic texts of Ayurveda. In addition to learning all the details about the cooking practices in Ayurveda, we will also explore certain recipes explained in the texts and their practical utility.
Saturday, 19th November 2022, 10 AM EDTEarly Bird Fees – $27
Paniyam Praninaam Prana / water- the elixir of life
Saturday, 3 December 2022, 10 AM EDTEarly Bird Fees- $27
Do you know water is the most important element of our body? And why?
Do you know how we can treat physical, mental and emotional health using water?
Do you know what shastra says about the processing of water?
Learn role and importance of water in physical wellness
Learn how we treat water to have a huge impact on our physical and mental wellness.
Learn what shastra says about processing water.
During the webinar we will cover We would learn all about water and dig deep into all the minute nuances about water directly from the shastra and get health benefits by using water in different forms and ways. It would be surprising to see the depth of Ayurveda on a most simple substance- water .
Combining various dos and donts from different shastras to get more clarity
Understand the universal nature of these guidelines
Get more conviction about following these based on better understanding
Applying these more practically in specific contexts
During the webinar we will cover Regimen of right conduct as explained in Dinacharya. After the advice on the daily physical activities in Dinacharya, we could see a lot of advice that helps one to be a good human being which is also an important requirement to be healthy. We will also fine tune the Ayurveda advice with the teachings of Dharma Shastra w.s.r to Dinacharya and thereby bringing Dharma as a part of every aspect of our living.
2 Sessions Saturday, 10th & 17th December 2022, 10 AM EDTEarly Bird Fees- $54
Garbhadhana Samskara
2 Sessions Saturday, 14th & 21st January 2023, 10 AM EDT Early Bird Fee – $54
This is a great opportunity for Ayurveda consultants to learn how to help your young clients who are potential parents in future. Although many couples ‘manage’ the pregnancy, post the fact, it is recommended that the pregnancy should be a conscious decision and planned in a very thoughtful manner. In these sessions you will learn about
What does it take for a couple (both father and mother) to prepare themselves for a successful pregnancy and progeny
Various practices to be adopted before, during and after the delivery
Dos and Don’ts (both for father and mother)
During the webinar we will cover Garbhadana is First among the 16 samskaras of life. Ayurveda gives an emphasis about the regimen that should be practiced before conception if we wish to have a healthy and an intelligent child. People nowadays reach out to ayurveda after accidental conception and wish to bring up the baby in an Ayurveda way but it\’s too late already. One would be surprised by the nuances and details that ayurveda offers in this subject.
Do you follow generic advice from social media and it doesn’t work for you?
Are you looking to get the best advice to improve your physical and mental wellness?
Are you looking to get the best recipe (for common health issues)?
Do you want to know the best ayurvedic practical tips to apply?
Learn role and importance of water in physical wellness
Learn how we treat water to have a huge impact on our physical and mental wellness.
Learn what shastra says about processing water.
During the webinar we will cover The best among the lot as explained in Ayurveda. We see that there is a lot of advice on the same topic but ayurveda lists out certain best items or practices in each area. Example- Best item for Rasayana, Best item for increasing Ayus, best practice for removing fatigue, best among the pathya food, best among the milks and so on. We will have a huge list to remember and reflect on.
\”Simple language, and a detail explanation was given for various concepts taught and well presented by Dr. Parthasarathy. Highlight for me was he let us take charge of our health and guided us when we came up with questions rather than just giving answers.\”
\”Dr. Parthasarathy is by far the best teacher I have had. His passion for the subject and enthusiasm he showed for his audience to experience the aha feeling for the simplicity and profoundness of the Ayurveda teachings and practices was contagious.\”