Komilla Sutton

Internationally renowned Astrological Consultant & Lecturer
Komilla Sutton is an internationally renowned consultant, teacher and lecturer since 1995.
Komilla\’s life\’s work is about the ancient knowledge of Vedic Astrology. Her goal is to increase the accessibility of this ancient form of astrology and build meaningful bridges between the East and West. She teaches a three-year online study program augmented by a new advanced course each year.
She is the co-Founder and Chairman of the British Association of Vedic Astrology. While residing in England, Komilla was part of the Faculty at the American College of Vedic Astrology and the Council of Astrological Association of Great Britain. As of 2013, Komilla began to sponsor annual Vedic Astrology Conferences. These conferences continue to promote a new generation of Jyotish Masters and encourage their interaction with seasoned Masters of Jyotish knowledge.
Website – https://komilla.com/
Topics of Presentation by Komilla Sutton in Jyotish Kumbh Mela 2023
- Why 12th House Is Studied For Marriage
- Moon and relationships Happy Moon happy relationships- how we can nurture our Moon for a happier life and relationships
Topics Presented by Komilla Sutton in Jyotish Kumbh Mela 2022
- Marana Karaka Sthana : Marana karaka Sthana are specific house placements for planets where they act like they are dead and ineffectual. Each planet has a house where it is at its most dysfunctional, and its potential gets very restricted. What are Marana karaka sthana for the planets, and how to interpret them? If you have planets in these positions, do they still have value? Timing of their experiences, How to deal with them and remedies.
- The Secret of Gandanta : Gandanta means the knot at the end; it is a complex situation that planets can find themselves in if placed at the end of Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio and the beginning of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The meeting of water and fire signs. While gandanta can be challenging on material terms, it can move you towards spirituality as an important development area.
Topics Presented by Komilla Sutton in Jyotish Kumbh Mela 2021
- Analysing Rahu Ketu: House Positions, Kal Sarpa, Dasha, Eclipses and Transits – Rahu Ketu are the shadows that we all deal with and it is essential to understand their message. We experience them through house positions, the signs they are in and their nakshatra positions. They can have an extreme influence when they hem in the planets by creating Kal Sarpa Yoga. Their dasha bhukti will further add to their influence and finally where are they transiting and how do the eclipses impact the chart. Both Rahu and Ketu are determined that you feel them, yet their message is so obscure, that they are not always easy to understand. They bring their own influence, they are divisive, resolute yet they can bring harmony if we truly work with their energy, learn how to optimize their positive influence and minimize their challenges. Komilla will cover a huge amount of material in this workshop to enlighten you on how to work with these powerful grahas. The use of common sense Vedic remedies to calm their impact.
- Sadhe Sati and Saturn – Sade Sati is when Saturn transits the 12th, 1st and 2nd house from the Moon. It is a very complex time and emotionally challenging transit. It can bring stress through career, health, relationship issues, family, financial responsibilities and unexpected events. It can also bring success and achievement due to the immense pressures that Saturn brings and those who work with this can often achieve a lot too. This lecture will explain the impact of sade sati – how to understand its impact properly, judge its intensity and most importantly how to deal with it.
Topics Presented by Komilla Sutton in Jyotish Kumbh Mela 2020
- Interactive Session
- Karakamsha, The Atmakaraka In The Navamsha, Its Key Importance Materially And Spiritually
- The Pulse Of The Nakshatra – Navatara And Nadi In Natal Astrology
- Daridra Yogas Of Sage Parashara – Poverty Or Reversal Of Fortune